Did you know that expressing gratitude is good for your health?
It really is!
Studies conducted by researchers in the field of positive psychology have found that gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. People who express gratitude feel more positive emotions, get greater enjoyment from good experiences, improve their health, cope better through adversity, and build stronger relationships.
This is the perfect season to focus on being thankful for the goodness in our lives and to cultivate the expression of that gratitude. Here are a few ways to do just that!
Write A Thank You Note – Take a few minutes to write out a thank you note to someone whose actions made a positive difference for you this year and drop it in the mail. Experts suggest doing this at least once a month.
Keep A Gratitude Journal – It’s easy to identify the daily annoyances, but how about tracking the things you are grateful for on a daily basis? You don’t have to write it down, you can just acknowledge it in your own heart, or share it with a loved one each day. The benefit of writing it down is having the opportunity to go back and read it later and realize just how many good things have happened!
Count Your Blessings – Pick a time each week to sit down and take account of the good things that happened that week. Be specific, thinking through each experience and how each moment made you feel.
Pray or Meditate – For a few minutes, clear your mind of all the other pressing matters of life and just focus on what you are truly thankful for and how those things are impacting daily life.
At Manatee we are always thankful for our clients, their business, and being able to make a difference for good in our community. If you want us to evaluate your property and make you a fair cash offer, give us a call at 941-300-6090.